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About Me


Your bottom-up systems are burying you alive

In defense of practical gifts

Your Brain's API: Giving & Getting Technical Help (my talk at Pycon 2015)

Emergency readings for managers in chaos

I was on the Building AI Products podcast

"Technical" skills

“Should” is SUCH an informative word

Thirty Percent Feedback

How I use BICEPS to debug conflict

Things I'm curious about

Don't set New Year's resolutions. Try this instead.

Can you predict the next hot Christmas technology?

Blogging is pointing at things and loving them

Writing Club ✏️

Steli & Hiten on Prioritizing

My favorite talks from Pycon 2018

What I learned in my Machine Learning for Trading course

Copy to Learn

Running a Password Manager Workshop

Finished Book: The ONE Thing

Voronoi diagrams are, like, totally gorg

Um, I'm in love with a budgeting app

Notes on unit testing

Avoiding failure vs pursuing success

Relying on volunteering is more unfair than you think

Using flash cards to become a better programmer, Part 1

Why Ghost?

How I Prep in the 24 Hours Before Giving a Conference Talk