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My favorite talks from Pycon 2018

In a few hours I'm heading to Pycon North America, the biggest Python conference in the world. I'm looking forward to seeing friends and colleagues from college and previous jobs and work.

I generally spend most of my time at conferences in the "hallway track" meeting people, but there are also so many exciting talks to choose from! Here are a few of the ones I'd most like to catch:

Talks that are about things I know nothing about!

Programming microbes using Python WHAT! so cool!

Python Data Sonification for Science and Discovery Turn data into SOUND!!

Coding through Adversity Learning to code in prison

What is a Python Core Developer?
I've maintained small (~20 contributors and ~1000 end users) projects, but have no real idea of how a big one works.

Visualizing Algorithms with Python and Programmable LEDs Writing code to make something happen in the physical world is just SO exciting! I can't wait to play with this.

Code Reviews Using Art Critique Principles I just love it when tech learns from other fields.

Talks that look very helpful and practical! Will help me deepen my skills and understanding!

Software Library APIs: Lessons Learned from scikit-learn

Building a Data Pipeline with Testing in Mind

Data Visualization in Mixed Reality with Python I'm dealing with some high-dimensional data right now so this is timely!

Fighting Gerrymandering with PyMC3 I care a lot about representation in government and want to do more probabalistic programming, so this really speaks to me.

Bayesian Non-parametric Models for Data Science using PyMC3 Ditto!

Performance Python: Seven Strategies for Optimizing Your Numerical Code

Practical Python talks!

Elegant Solutions For Everyday Python Problems

Dataclasses: The code generator to end all code generators

The AST and Me

HOWTO Write a Function
I always say that if you give the same advice three times, write it up. Jack says he's been giving this advice for 15 years, so sign me up.

Type-checked Python in the real world and Clearer Code at Scale: Static Types at Zulip and Dropbox

Talks that just look fun!

Love your bugs A year ago I basically demanded that Allison write this talk so I'm excited to finally see it myself!

Don't Look Back in Anger: Wildman Whitehouse and the Great Failure of 1858 This talk description had me at "handlebar moustaches aquiver."

One weird trick to becoming a better software developer I've seen Esther's outline of this talk and it's gonna be great.

Birding with Python and Machine Learning I want to know what my dog does when I'm not in the house and feel like I could pick up some hints here.



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